Anjolie Ela Menon
Known for her religious-themed works, portraits, and nudes that incorporated a vibrant colour palette and were rendered in a variety of styles ranging from cubism to techniques.
Painter | India
Born in 1940

Anjolie Ela Menon is one of India's leading female contemporary artists. By the age of 15, when she left school, she had already sold a few paintings. She then studied at the Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, and later earned a degree in English Literature from Delhi University. Her paintings occupy several major collections. Her preferred medium was oil on Masonite, applied using a series of translucent colours and thin washes. In addition to oil paintings and murals, she worked in several other mediums, including computer graphics and Murano glass. She is best known for her works based on, portraits, and nudes that incorporated a vibrant colour palette and were rendered in a variety of styles ranging from cubism to techniques that reminds the European Renaissance artists.