Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee
The city of Kolkata has always figured prominently in his work. His themes come from his personal interactions with its urban milieu - its sickness and sordidness, its violence and vulnerability.
Painter | Sculptor | India
Born in 1947

Shubhaprasanna Bhattacharjee was born in Kolkata in 1947 Lives and works in Kolkata. Shuvaprasanna Bhattacharjee completed his graduation from the Indian College of Art (R B University, Kolkata) in 1969. He was an active member of the "Calcutta Painters" group. Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee is an Indian artist from Kolkata. The city of Kolkata has always figured prominently in his work. His themes are associated with his interactions with its urban milieu - its sickness and sordidness, and its violence and vulnerability. He works with oil on canvas, charcoal, and mixed media. Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee boasts a precise, finely executed style that yields an unmistakable visual intensity. His work has been exhibited extensively in India and internationally in Bangladesh, Singapore, France, Switzerland and Germany. He has won several awards like All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society (AIFACS), New Delhi (1979), State Lalit Kala Academy, West Bengal (1978), Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata (1977).